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WinZip Command Line Add-on 2.0 beta 2

Last Updated: 03/11/2017

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Version: 2, Size: 641 KB
By , License: Freeware Report Broken

WinZip Command Line Add-on 2.0 beta 2 description
Use WinZip directly from the command prompt and scripts.

The WinZip Command Line Support Add-On is a FREE add-on for users ofWinZip 9.0 with a valid license. Before installing this add-on, pleasemake sure you have installed WinZip 9.0.

The WinZip Command Line Support Add-On provides a command lineinterface that gives you the power of WinZip without the usual WinZipgraphical user interface. It allows you to use WinZip directly from thecommand prompt and from batch (.BAT) files and script languages, makingit ideal for automating repetitive tasks. An extensive set of command line options gives you pinpoint control overWinZip s actions. And, in automated environments, end-users need notknow anything about how to use WinZip.

This version of the WinZip Command Line Support Add-On offers AESencryption and supports the 64-bit extended format, which for allpractical purposes eliminates the existing restrictions on Zip filesize and capacity.

Note: On August 26, 2004 WinZip Computing released the WinZip CommandLine Support Add-On 1.1 SR-1, a maintenance release of the WinZipCommand Line Support Add-On 1.1 containing important security-relatedfixes and improvements.

Here are some key features of "WinZip Command Line Add on":

Simplify Tasks Create scripts to perform complex zipping jobs with a single click.
Automate Repetitive Tasks Create jobs to be run by the WindowsScheduler. Jobs can be performed on any schedule you like and resultslogged for later analysis.
Intuitive Zipping Make desktop icons for repetitive tasks. Thisallows users with no knowledge of WinZip to perform zipping tasks.
Secure Your Data The Command Line Add-On has full support for WinZip s new AES encryption.
Make Larger Files Support for the 64-bit extended Zip file format,which for all practical purposes eliminates the existing restrictionson Zip file size and capacity, is included in the Command Line Add-On.
Fully Documented All commands and options are documented in a Windows help file for ease of reference.
